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Lenten Devotionals
The following Lenten devotional guide provides Scriptural texts we can meditate on as a church congregation, in concert with our sermon series, to gain a deeper understanding of our sin, a closer look at the beauty of Christ, and the power of the Gospel that saves and redeems.

The following Lenten devotional guide provides Scriptural texts we can meditate on as a church congregation, in concert with our sermon series, to gain a deeper understanding of our sin, a closer look at the beauty of Christ, and the power of the Gospel that saves and redeems.
Monday Devotion — Mark 14:12-21 — "You Will Betray Me"
Tuesday Devotion — Mark 14:22-31 — "You Will Disown Me"
Wednesday Devotion — Luke 22:39-64 — "Take This Cup From Me"
Thursday Devotion — Mark 14:43-52 — "The Scriptures Must Be Fulfilled"