2020 was to be a year of vision and clarity that was seemingly disrupted by racial protests, political wars, a polarizing presidential election, and of course, the Covid-19 pandemic. In more ways than we imagined, our response to the challenges of our year provided much visibility and clarity on where we often turn when we’re suffering.
The doors of many churches closed in 2020—permanently for some, but for Metro, although our physical building remained shut, we as a community have been more active than ever. Together, we discovered new ways to worship and connect, served our community, helped protect the vulnerable, made new friends and partners, focused on training and educating congregants, and tackled all sorts of societal questions and issues as one body.
Please watch the brief video from our lead pastor Donny Cho; we hope you are encouraged to see how God provided for His Church and has been at work to truly empower Metro to be a “church not enclosed by its walls.” We hope this brief encouragement moves you to worship the Lord as you reflect on the past year in view of the Lord’s unfailing faithfulness; may it lead you to give generously as we approach the end of the year—trusting in the Lord’s ever-present goodness.
Donny, our elders, and our entire leadership team wish for you and your family a joyful, warm, safe, and healthy holiday season as we consider the infinite cost of our High King born unto the very people he came to save.
We are so grateful for your commitment to Jesus; we are so grateful for your commitment to Metro.