The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)

City: God's Heart For The City
Jonah 4:1-11

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
City: God's Mercy Toward The City
Jonah 3:1-10

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
City: God's Call To The City
Jonah 1:1-17

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Community: Genuine Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Community: Genuine Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Gospel-Centered: Sonship
Luke 15:11-32

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Creativity: Work and Rest
Genesis 1:31-2:3

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Creativity: In the Image of God
Genesis 1:26-31

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Gospel-Centered: Identity
Matthew 16:13-27

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Movement: Conversion
Acts 8:26-40

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Movement: Declaring The Wonders Of God
Acts 2:1-13

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
Movement: Making Disciples
Matthew 28:18-20

Donny Cho
The Vision of MetroPres (2013)
The Gospel: What It Means To Have Faith
Mark 5:21-43