The Sermon On The Mount
The Sermon On The Mount

The Conclusion: True Christianity
Matthew 7:13-27

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Searching: Our Path
Matthew 7:7-14

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Anxiety: Our Worries
Matthew 6:25-34

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Money: Our Treasure
Matthew 6:19-24

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Vengeance and Holiness
Matthew 5:38-48

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Integrity and Reliability
Matthew 5:33-37

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Purity and Faithfulness
Matthew 5:27-30

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Law and Righteousness
Matthew 5:17-20

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Salt and Light
Matthew 5:13-16

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Purity, Peacemaking, and Persecution
Matthew 5:9-12

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Matthew 5:1-6

Donny Cho
The Sermon On The Mount
Access to the Kingdom
Matthew 5:1-6