The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus

Camels, Needles, and Our Wealth
Mark 10:17-27

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Salvation Has Come To This House
Luke 19:1-10

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Lazarus and the Rich Man
Luke 16:19-31

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Lost and Found
Luke 15:11-32

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Hate Your Mother and Father
Luke 14:25-27

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Not One of the Invited Will Get a Taste
Luke 14:15-24

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Your Life Will Be Demanded From You
Luke 12:13-21

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Seek And You Will Find
Luke 11:5-13

Brian Park
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Choose What Is Better
Luke 10:38-42

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
70 Times 7
Matthew 18:21-35

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Take Up Your Cross
Matthew 16:13-26

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Forcefully Advancing
Matthew 11:7-15

Andrew Pae
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
You of Little Faith
Matthew 14:22-32

Andrew Pae
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Cast The First Stone
John 8:2-11

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Let The Dead Bury Their Dead
Luke 9:57-62

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
He Who Has Ears
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
A House Divided Against Itself Will Fall
Luke 11:14-26

Brian Park
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Don't Throw Pearls to Pigs
Matthew 7:1-6

Joshua Kim
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Greater Than Pharisees
Matthew 5:17-20

Brian Park
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Authority To Forgive Sins
Luke 5:4-26

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
You Have Had Five Husbands
John 4:4-30,39

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
He Gives Living Water
John 4:4-30,39

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
You Must Be Born Again
John 3:1-16

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
I Will Raise It Again
John 2:12-22

Donny Cho
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus
Man Does Not Live On Bread Alone
Luke 4:1-13