Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus

Resurrection Sunday: Our Healer, Forgiver, and Lord
John 21:15-19

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
Palm Sunday: The True Vine
John 15:1-8

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
The Way, Truth, and Life
John 14:1-14

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
The Resurrection and The Life
John 11

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
The Gate and Good Shepherd
John 10:1-15

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
Light of the World
John 8:12-30

Donny Cho
Lent: The "I Am" Claims of Jesus
Bread of Life
John 6:1-13, 27-35, 44-51